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CCBDD Success Stories

January 2025 Success Story

Merrick Fields

Merrick began attending Carroll Hills School three years ago and he has come so far since this time. His big personality fills the room when he arrives. He eagerly participates in circle time using his talker to request music. He loves to dance and make music with instruments. He is now following our daily routine and participates in each subject! He is matching colors, letters, and numbers.  His mischievous personality comes out when he looks at us and tries to turn on our smartboard for more music. More importantly though, he has gained so much knowledge on how to navigate the IPad when using his “talker” program which has greatly increased the sounds and words that he is trying to say. Each day he is at school is a celebration over the strides he is making in communication. The speech therapist, Miss Jules, is so proud of him, and Merrick’s mom brags that he is communicating more at home, too.

Also, the occupational therapist, Miss Jami, and the Physical therapist, Miss Abbi, are overjoyed to see his development.

During recess time in the past Merrick spent time just sitting in the rocks, but now he runs around the playground, goes up and down the slide, and even chases after his friends. Speaking of friends, sweet Merrick greets his classmates with a gentle lean in sort of hug. He has captivated all of us, children and adults alike, with his charm. We are so thrilled that he is a part of our program!!!

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Current Job Openings:

at the Carroll County Board of DD

Services and Support Administrator (SSA) position

Substitute Bus Drivers

Intervention Specialist 2024-2025 School Year

Substitute Classroom Aides

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