April 2023 Success Story

Cayce Gray - Taking Charge of her Life!

Cayce Gray - Taking Charge of her Life!

Cayce Gray has achieved great success this year! She has moved out of her shared living home with 24/7 staff into an apartment she manages alone with drop in staffing. She has worked on her skills in her vocational habilitation programming with Mayle Homes and opened an OOD case where provider Goodwill assisted her in obtaining a community job at Sander’s Markets. Cayce worked with job coach, Marcy, for a couple months to ensure that she understood her job tasks and could perform them as needed. Cayce has been successfully employed for six months and is completely independent in her tasks there. Cayce enjoys working the cash register in the service center the most. Cayce recently moved to an apartment to be within walking distance of her job so she won’t have to depend on others for transportation.

Transportation to community jobs is one of the biggest hurdles for Cayce and people like her in getting and keeping a community job. If you would be interested in supporting her or others like her, please reach out to Carroll County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Matt Campbell at (330)627-6555.

Cayce and her cat
Outside of Sander's Market
Working at Sander Market
Published by Carrollton Messenger
Published by Free Press Standard

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