November 2021 Success Story

Wanda Satterfield

Wanda Satterfield

Wanda has become quite the self-advocate.  She’s been making important decisions toward the future she wants to have.  Wanda’s family is very important to her and she is considerate of how her decisions impact them.  They are great natural supports and she is thankful to have them, especially her nieces and nephews!  Wanda has many relationships and friends and one that she cherishes is her relationship with Family Disability Services staff, Reva Castelucci and her daughter, Abby.  Wanda continues to improve her skills in independence and loves going out to eat.  Her favorite places are Pizza Hut and Dairy Queen. 

Wanda attends Starlight Enterprises where she loves to participate in art activities and science experiments.  She also participates in vocational programs that bring fulfillment to her life.  She recently began receiving HPC services through Starlight and looks forward to her trips in the community with the friends she has made.

Wanda recently moved from her family home.  She toured suitable locations and made a list of pros and cons to determine what she was looking for in a new home.  In the end, she chose St. John’s Villa due to peer interactions within her living space.  Wanda is very independent in her day to day life but requires support with some tasks so the 24/7 staff availability was a positive for her.  She’s become very comfortable in her new home while enjoying her independence. 

As her SSA, it has been a pleasure to watch her grow and blossom while learning to strive for the things she wants.  I am thankful to have been able to be along for the journey.

Kelly Kail

Abby, Wanda and Reva
Wanda's new home St. John's Villa 2021
Reva and Wanda
Wanda and Michele - Jet Program
Wanda with friends at Starlight
Wanda and Reva Selfie
Wanda and Ashley Self Advocacy
Wanda at the Movies
Christmas time
Wanda driving the boat
Wanda Starlight outing

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