Mathual Campbell
Superintendent / SSA Director
phone: 330-627-6555
e-mail: mcampbell@carrollcbdd.org
I have been with CCBDD for 13 plus years as Superintendent. I have been SSA Director and Superintendent for 5 plus years. I was hired 12-18-1998 as Service Coordinator which later was named SSA. I was Community Employment Supervisor and then Adult Services Director for 4 years. My education background includes; Minerva High School graduate 1990, Bachelor Degree in Psychology and History from Mount Union College 1994, A Masters Degree in Community Counseling from Malone College 1999, 5 Master level business courses from Eastern Michigan University, and 5 Master level business courses from The University of Phoenix.
I currently reside in Carroll County with my wife Heather. We have been married for 28 plus years. I have 2 children Micah Campbell and Katerina Syrianoudis and what I am most proud of is my 2 grandchildren Emmitt Ross Campbell and Lydia Elizabeth Syrianoudis. I am an avid hunter and really enjoy being in my branch office!

Ryan Buck
Director of Educational Services
phone: 330-627-7651
e-mail: rbuck@carrollcbdd.org
I have been with CCBDD for 7 years in the positions of Developmental Specialist for Early Intervention, Intervention Specialist for Preschool, and currently, Director of Educational Services. I have been in the field of Special Education and Developmental Disabilities for over 14 years. My education background includes; Minerva High School graduate, undergrad degree from Walsh University in early childhood special education, Master’s degree from Kent State University in special education, and Administration/Principal License from Walsh University.
I currently reside in Carroll County with my wife, Christina. My favorite quote is, “Popcorn is prepared in the same pot, in the same heat, in the same oil and yet…the kernels do not pop at the same time. Don’t compare your child to others. Their turn to POP is coming!” -Author unknown
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